Today your Mommy and I went to the doctor and found out that you are not just our beloved baby, but our precious little girl. Your Mommy and I are so excited, we already have plans on how we will decorate your nursery and are very close to picking out your name.
We saw your face for the first time today, the ultrasound technicians had your Mommy do a “hula dance” to get you to move, and when you did, we saw your hands crossed over your face. You were sucking on your thumb, and then took your hand out for a moment so you could stick your tongue out, before sucking on your thumb again. It’s funny because just yesterday your Mommy wrote that you are now able to suck your thumb and today we got to see it for the first time! Your Mommy and I were amazed at how much detail we could see, clearly seeing your jaw, eyes, nose..and yes tongue during the ultrasound. Here is a picture of you in profile:

P.S.- Your grandfather Murphy said that knowing your Mommy and Daddy, that he thought it was fitting that you stuck your tongue out during the ultrasound. He also has claimed that he knew you were going to be a girl from the very start. Your grandma Murphy said the same thing a few months ago, as did your Aunt Edith. They can’t wait to meet you, and neither can the rest of your family.
Your Mommy’s ultrasound technician today was so nice and very helpful to your Mommy. I was happy to see that because the last ultrasound tech wasn’t so sweet, I think that one had been weaned on pickle juice. I hope your Mommy gets to have this new ultrasound tech for our next appointment too.
You also have your first outfit now, your Mommy and I stopped off by Babies-R-Us tonight to get your first onesie. It’s pink and green, so it will go with the booties that your cousin Katie knitted for you, and will match the colors we are planning for your nursery. We couldn’t help it, and it will probably be the first of many trips there.
Soon I will be able to feel you move and kick inside your Mommy’s tummy. She thinks she can feel it already but she is not sure, this morning she felt something like a punch inside her tummy, and this afternoon she felt something that she said felt like a hiccup in her tummy. She is probably feeling you move, and I should be able to feel you move in a few weeks. I can’t wait!
Hi Baby!
I was SO excited to hear we're having another girl to add to our family - we have to maintain grasp on our majority to keep those boys in line!! Also, let's face, it, I'm MUCH better at buying girlie things than for boys.
I can also teach you everything you momma taught me at a young how to apply bright electric blue eyeshadow,tease your hair so it's 3ft off your head, sneak in the video of Dirty Dancing and let you watch it, show you how to kiss a pillow, lend you my old toe shoes for you to jump around in....hmm...well, some of these things may need to be adjusted as it seems we're no longer living in the 80s, but you get the point. Most importantly, I hope I can be the type of role model and inspiration growing up that your momma was for me. I wanted to be just like her when I was little, even from a young age, your momma was always a compassionate caregiver and bestowed unmeasured love upon me and the rest of your big cousins. It just goes to show that while your momma was a fantastic aunt to us, she was actually in practice be the amazing mother she will soon be to you.
Love you already!
Cousin Katie
Gah! That made me cry! Darn preggo hormones!
Thanks for the comment, Katie. You were, and still are, very much loved when you were growing up. I'm so glad I got to share that with you, and teach you things (even things I probably shouldn't have) :).
~ Mama Murphy
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