Yesterday you hit the 19-week mark! Your daddy and I just got back from a relaxing vacation in the Carribean (specifically, this place), and it was AMAZING. We can now say that you're a little world traveler! On this trip alone, you've been to Miami, San Juan Puerto Rico, and Barbados, in addition to Canouan island. Next month, you'll travel to Greece via London! Your daddy and I are taking a lot of pictures so that we can show you someday all the places you were before you were born.
You've really grown a lot in the last couple of weeks! Right now, you're between 6-7 inches long from your head to your rump (called the crown rump length) and 9 inches from head to toe, and you weigh about a half pound. You're starting to grow hair on your tiny head, and you can even recognize my and your daddy's voices! It's a good thing, because your daddy and I talk to you and sing silly songs to you all the time. You're also starting to produce something called vernix, which is a white sticky substance that will cover and protect your skin while you're spending so much time in amniotic fluid. Incredibly, your brain is already forming the areas responsible for all of your senses, and your nervous system is starting to grow rapidly. You're able to do all kinds of movements, and you may even have started sucking your thumb already! This week, you look something like this:

(image courtesy of
My tummy is growing a lot too! Your daddy and I are amazed at how much even my belly button is changing, and we keep joking that we'll start to take photos of the evolving "outie" that's going to pop out pretty soon. But the thing that is the MOST EXCITING OF ALL is that tomorrow your daddy and I are going to get another ultrasound... and we'll find out if you're a girl or a boy!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!
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