Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Probably Too Much Information, But... Oh Well.

I just found out that if you have an epidural to help with all the pain during labor.... you also.... *gulp*... have to have... a.... catheter.

I have not ever in my life heard one good thing about catheters. I mean, they stick a TUBE up your very private and very narrow (and much smaller than the tube) pee pee place and shove it all the way into your bladder. Which, I've heard, is very painful (although you probably don't really feel it after having an epidural put in). And then, for the fun and amusement of anyone who happens to visit you in your hospital room, you can point to the bag hanging off of your bed and say, "LOOK! IT'S MY PEE!".

One thing that is really curious to me, though, is that I'm pretty sure the whole point of forcing a birthing woman to have a catheter is so that she doesn't pee on the doctors and nurses when she's trying to push out the baby. And yet, most woman POOP all over the doctors and nurses when pushing out a baby, and yet noone has mentioned putting a catheter up someone's butt.

I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

tweetandtaz25 said...

You could go to Germany. They give enimas(?) there when you deliver just to solve that problem. No epidural needed either!