Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ultrasound #2 and The Joy of Pregnancy Symptoms

Dear baby,
A couple of days ago, I went to the doctor for a second ultrasound, just to make sure that you're growing the way you're supposed to. I expected to maybe see a little embryo, about the size of a piece of rice, since that's what everything I've read says you probably looked like.

So imagine my surprise when I had the ultrasound, and you were about the size of a jelly bean, which means that in just one week, you have grown a LOT! AND!!!! AND!!!!! The most exciting thing of all???? I COULD SEE YOUR LITTLE HEART BEAT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!! I almost cried, because all of a sudden, being pregnant became so much more real, somehow. The nurse who was doing the ultrasound told me that everything looks great, and that your strong heartbeat meant that the chances for miscarriage (something I've been really worried about) are greatly reduced. We're not "out of the woods" just yet, but I've gotta say, I was really relieved to hear that. OH! And we found out your due date!!!! We're expecting you on September 9. :)

Unfortunately, your daddy was stuck in Miami for work, so he couldn't see the ultrasound. But I made sure to get a picture of it so that I could show him:

(picture to come as soon as I figure out my scanner)

We have our first appointment to see the OB/GYN in a couple of weeks, and your daddy will definitely be there for that. By that time, you should be an inch long, and we may be able to see your little hands and feet starting to grow!

Aside from the excitement from the ultrasound, the last week hasn't been very fun for me, because I've started to get morning sickness. "Morning" is a complete misnomer, however, because I'm nauseous ALL DAY LONG. Just the thought of eating anything makes me sick to my stomach. Even some smells are making me really ill... for example, I cannot STAND the smell of eggs cooking. Ick.

A funny thing, though, is that the day of the ultrasound, I told the nurse that for some strange reason, the only thing that didn't make me feel sick was the thought of eating a McDonald's hamburger. So the nurse said "well then go and eat a McDonald's hamburger!" Apparently, at this early stage, WHAT I'm eating isn't necessarily as important as just EATING. So I called your daddy and told him that I was going to McDonald's to get a hamburger because the nurse told me I had to (heh heh). Other than that, though, about the only things I can stomach are toast, crackers, and some pasta with butter and parmesan cheese that your daddy was nice enough to make me last night for dinner.

The other thing I'm noticing is that man, I am so GASSY! I talked to the nurse about it, and she said that's totally normal because of all the hormones floating around inside of me. Still, it's not very socially appealing. I am also starting to get little pains in my abdomen that come out of nowhere! Apparently these are called "round ligament pains", and they happen when your uterus starts to grow. They feel really weird. And my boobs are getting bigger! I don't really need them to get bigger, but it's happening anyway. And I'm still really tired all the time and have headaches almost every day.

I've gotta say, though, that your daddy has been so good to me this week, making me breakfast and dinner (when I can stomach it), going to the grocery store just to get me some ginger ale, massaging my lower back when it hurts, and listening to all of my various worries. This morning, he turned over and started rubbing my tummy, saying how excited he is to be a new daddy and how he is anxiously awaiting your arrial. He's amazing, your daddy. You are so lucky that you'll have him around to help raise you :).

Love, Mama

Thursday, January 10, 2008

First Ultrasound Pics

Dear Baby,
I went to the doctor yesterday because I had some minimal spotting and wanted to get it checked out (spotting in the first trimester is normal, by the way). The nurse did our first ultrasound, and right now you look something like this:

(this isn't YOU, but it looks just like what your ultrasound looked like)

The nurse said that you look perfectly normal, and confirmed that you're about 5 weeks old. The little yolk sac (the small circle inside the black circle) is where all of your embryonic cells are multiplying, and the gestational sac is what will hold all the amniotic fluid as you grow. We are going in for a repeat ultrasound next week, to make sure that you're growing the way you should be. By next week, we may be able to see your heart beating! Exciting!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Where We're At

Dear baby,
For the last couple of days, your daddy and I have been reading all kinds of things about babies, from how to eat properly to make sure that you get all the nutrients you need as you're growing, to choosing an ob/gyn or midwife, to what kinds of exercises are ok to do while you're in my tummy.

It's also been fun to read about what's going on inside there every week. Right now, we think you're somewhere around 5-6 weeks old, which means that right now you're only about as big as a grain of rice! It's hard to imagine that you'll grow so much in the next 8 months. Right now, your heart is starting to beat, your eyes and ears are beginning to form, and all of your organs are starting to develop already. Pretty neat, huh?

Have I mentioned how excited I am to have you growing inside me?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sharing The News

Dear baby,
Today I called your grandma and grandpa B in New Mexico and told them that they are going to be grandparents soon, and they are both really happy for your daddy and me, since they know how much we wanted to start a family. I also called your aunts and uncles and cousins, and some of my friends, and everyone can't wait to see you! Your cousin Amanda is 8 months pregnant now with a little girl, so I'm sure I will be asking her all kinds of questions about being pregnant since you are my very first baby. I have so many questions!

Your daddy also called your grandma and grandpa M here in Seattle to give them the news. Your grandma shouted with joy and then told your grandpa, "Your son is expecting!". Your grandpa, with his fantastic sense of humor, said "expecting what?". I don't think I've ever seen your daddy laugh so hard!

So far, I'm feeling pretty good, except that I am SUPER tired. I keep needing to take naps and last night I fell asleep at 8:00 while watching TV! I'm lucky,though, that I haven't had morning sickness like a lot of other moms-to-be. At least... not yet :).

Today we also went to Barnes & Noble and bought a bunch of books about healthy eating and exercise during pregnancy. We also got a book of baby names so that we can start thinking about the name we want to give you. Both your daddy and I want to know if you're a boy or a girl, so as soon as we find out, we'll pick a name for you. :)

We also made an appointment with an ob/gyn today, one of the best in Seattle! We'll go in on February 4, and maybe we'll get an ultrasound then to see how big you are! We think you're probably about 5-7 weeks old right now, but we can't be sure until we see the doctor. I can't wait!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Day 1

Dear baby,
Yesterday, your daddy and I found out that we are expecting! We took a home pregnancy test that came back positive, and because your mama is so obsessive sometimes, she went back to the store and got 5 more tests just to be sure. Of course, every single one of those also came back positive. Today is New Year's Day, and we couldn't imagine any better news to begin the new year. Your daddy and I are so excited to go to the doctor and see just how big you are right now, and find out when you will be arriving!

(click for larger)