We can't believe that you are already two months old! Where has the time gone? Right now I'm sitting on the couch with you sleeping away on my lap, which, believe me, is amazing in itself considering you rarely sleep long enough for me to get anything done. So yeah. Yay sleep!
A lot has happenned to you in the last month, which hardly seems possible because we haven't really gone anywhere or done much but spend as much time with you at home as possible because you start daycare this week and OH MY GOD I DON'T KNOW HOW I AM GOING TO HANDLE THAT so I want to take advantage of the little all-day time with you I have left. I used to think that I would totally be able to manage going back to work full time, but now that you're here and I've totally fallen in love with you, I just want to be with you ALL THE TIME.
This month, you have continued to grace us with your colic, which means we're all still having a hard time getting enough sleep. You'd think that the lack of sleep would make your daddy and I irritable and cranky, but in fact we are managing pretty well. We make a pretty good team, your daddy and I. We help each other out when one or the other of us is exhausted, and we aren't as stressed as one might think because we've entirely given up on the idea of having a spotless house or having clean clothes to wear. Is it worth it, the messy house, the dirty clothes piles, the dark circles under our eyes and the inability to form coherent sentences?
This month, I took you to see a pediatric gastroenterologist just to get your digestive system checked out, since it seems to be the root cause of your discomfort. We found out that you have an umbilical hernia, but this is normal and probably isn't causing you any pain. I started on a milk-free diet, thinking that you might have an allergy to cow's milk protein, but it's been 3 weeks now and you aren't feeling much better. So the gastroenterologist told us to put you on a special hypoallergenic formula for a while to see if that will help. I hope you start to feel better soon because the formula is costing us a small fortune (which is really too bad because breastmilk is totally free! And breastfeeding will make my gigantic boobs smaller! And breastmilk is best for your cognitive development! And breastmilk is completely portable! And there isn't any bottle-washing with breastfeeding! And I'm going to stop complaining now!).
One quick comment about infant formula: it makes your poop bright green! And woah, stinkpot. And woah, volume. In fact, you pooped on your daddy this month for the first time, which made me laugh so hard! Your daddy, on the other hand, wasn't laughing. But it was still funny! Speaking of poop, that seems to be a primary topic of conversation in our house these days. In fact, most things related to your butt are a common discussion point. It really is amazing how two intellectually curious people such as your daddy and I, who USUALLY spend most of our time talking about economics or politics, are now discussing at length topics such as "was Sophia's poop more of a MUSTARD yellow, or a GREEN yellow?" and "Wow, I think even the neighbors heard that fart!".
The most exciting thing this month is that you've started smiling!!! Which is to say, you've been smiling back at us when we smile at you. You were doing the "ha ha, I have super butt gas" smile a couple of weeks ago, but that doesn't count. You are so captivating when you smile, and we spend most of our time trying to get you to smile when you aren't crying.
Other milestones you've reached this month: you are starting to grasp small objects (such as a rattle) really tightly, you are making small vocalizations (like cooing), and you can raise your body up on your hands and arms. You are also right on target with your growth, and you now weigh almost 11 pounds! Unfortunately, at your 8 week doctor's appointment, you also got your first shots. Wow was it hard for me to watch you get them, because you cried and cried, and your face contorted and turned bright red. I started to cry FOR you because I don't like shots either. I just wanted to take you away from there, hold you, and make you feel better. The next time you go in for your shots, I think I'm going to send your daddy to go with you.
This month, another incredible thing happenned that has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with history-making. Just a few short days ago, this country elected its first African American president, Democrat Barak Obama. I truly never thought I would see that in my lifetime because unfortunately, Sophia, there is still a lot of bigotry and hate in this country, a country so divided along lines of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and political affiliation. Because of that, both your daddy and I have become incredibly cynical about politics and politicians. But seeing Barak Obama elected President made me feel so proud, so full of hope for the future, because voters turned out in historic numbers to make a STATEMENT. The election was significant in other important ways, because a woman, Hilary Clinton, almost became the Democratic nominee but was beaten in the primaries by Obama. The Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican party was also a woman, Sarah Palin. Never in our nation's history have we come so close to having a woman or an African-American elected to the Presidential or Vice-Presidential positions. And it is this, the willingness of the American people to do something that so many never thought possible (regardless of political party), something so very significant, that makes me so glad that you were born during this very historic time because you will always be able to say "I was born the same year that the nation elected its first black president". Wow. How cool is that?
P.S. Have I mentioned that being your mom is absolutely, without a doubt, the most magical thing that's ever happenned to me?
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