You are now one month old, and your daddy and I can’t believe it! We have so much to write about, but we have been SO busy the last few weeks since we brought you home that we have admittedly had little time to log onto our computers and write everything down. But right now your daddy is holding you and you are sleeping away, so I am taking advantage of the opportunity to tell everyone all about how you’re doing.
We brought you home from the hospital 2 days after you were born. You had a BUNCH of visitors in the hospital- your grandma and grandpa Murphy, your uncle Bruce, your aunt Cathy and uncle Jack, your cousin Mary, your daddy's friend Jason, and a lot of mommy's co-workers (since you were born in the hospital where I work). Your daddy and I got very little sleep while we were in the hospital because we kept waking up every time you made a noise... perhaps not surprisingly, not much has changed since then. You still keep us up all night, and we are still very tired, but we seem to love you more and more each and every day.
You had even more visitors when you came home from the hospital- you met your big sister Madeline for the first time, as well as your aunt Marie and uncle Dave. There are so many people who are excited to meet you! Your Nina and Nino just went back to Albuquerque, so it is really the first time the three of us (you, your daddy, and me) have been home by ourselves.
Unfortunately, it turns out that you have colic, so you don't get much sleep- and when you're awake, you're usually crying. We have a theory that you have inherited your mommy's gastrointestinal problems, because when you are trying to poop your cries get much louder and you are clearly in more pain :(. When we talked to your pediatrician, she said that it's probably because your intestinal system is still immature, but that you will likely grow out of this and have a normal functioning system in a few months. In the meantime, though, we just have to wait it out. So your daddy and I are each taking shifts with you so that we can at least get a few hours of sleep in every night!
Although you're just one month old, your daddy and I are amazed at how much you can do already! You have clearly inherited your daddy's strength, because you can lift your head up on your own and can bear your weight on your legs when you straighten them out. You can roll onto your side by yourself, and you have started to focus on objects when we hold them in front of you and move them around. You are such a curious baby, always looking around with those big beautiful eyes of yours, trying to take in and understand everything you're seeing. It might be time for us to start requesting applications to Ivy League schools, what do you think?
One of my favorite things to do right now is watch you with your daddy. I have never seen him be as goofy as he's been since you were born. He likes to make up his own lyrics to lullabies and turn innocent songs like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into songs with titles such as "Sophia Has a Stinky Butt". He is completely engaged in keeping you entertained, and has as much of a problem as I do resisting the purchase of adorable baby outfits. He also dances around the kitchen with you in his arms, telling me that it is never too early to teach a little girl how to do the meringue. And every once in a while, I will catch him on the couch, holding you against his chest, both of you sleeping peacefully, and I know he has found his bliss.
You are definitely a cuddlebug- you love to be held, which works out pretty well for us because we love to snuggle with you. Mostly, though,I can't stop looking at you. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I will quietly look over the edge of your bassinet, and just stare at you, breathing in your wonderful baby smell, gently wrapping your tiny little hand around my finger... I spend hours doing this, even though it means I don't get any sleep, because it is in these small, cherished moments that I truly understand unconditional love.
Thank you, precious one, for coming into my world.
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