It's become painfully (literally) clear to your daddy and I that you are already exercising your stubborn nature by staying in my tummy and teasing us mercilessly with this whole labor thing. Today we went to the obgyn, thinking that you MUST have made progress, since I was 3-4 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced for TWO WHOLE WEEKS before today. As it turns out, I am now 4-5 cm dilated, but STILL just 50% effaced. You are also kind of high in my pelvis still, and stuck at the -2 station (see below image):

(image courtesy of Nuclear Medical Art)
The good news, I suppose, is that I am dilated almost halfway, which means that when my actual labor contractions start regularly, there isn't much more left to go (at 10cm you will be ready to meet us!). So most likely, labor will go pretty quickly once those contractions start. Thank goodness for that!!! Apparently for women whose contractions start when they are at 0-1 centimeters, the most difficult part of labor is GETTING to 4-5 centimeters, so I basically have made most of the progress already with only moderately painful, irregular contractions for the last couple of weeks. I can't really complain about that, can I?
The doctor said that she would let me go one week past your due date (which is this Saturday, can you believe that???) before suggesting an induction. We would REALLY prefer not to induce you, so could you please come out soon and join us in the world? We would be MOST grateful. Thanks! :)
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