Dear precious baby girl,
Today you went with your daddy and me to your first volunteer activity. The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Walk for the Cure was held today in Seattle. Your daddy and I wanted to help out in some way, not only because it is a great organization, but because this year your aunt Marie was diagnosed with breast cancer, and your grandma Murphy is battling it for the second time. They are both doing great right now, though!
Today you are officially 29 weeks old. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing, and how much closer we are to meeting you in person! You must be growing a LOT, because you're moving around in my tummy all day long. Sometimes you even wake me up in the middle of the night! My belly is getting bigger every day, it seems, and it's making it more and more difficult for me to move around like I used to. I constantly wonder how big it will get in the next 11 weeks before you're born. I think your daddy may need to start carrying me around in a wheelbarrow soon if you keep growing so quickly!
Our doctor told us this week at our appointment that everything seems to be great so far- we got to listen to your heartbeat again, and it is nice and strong! I took my first glucose test this week, which is a test for gestational diabetes. I had to drink a bottle of a really sugary drink (it was gross) and get a blood test an hour later. We will find out next week what the results are, and we're hoping it comes back negative (since gestational diabetes would mean that you'd probably get too big too quickly and we'd have to have a c-section before your due date).
Your daddy and I have been taking a lot of childbirth classes lately, and last night in our class, we learned about all the different stages of labor and ways to cope with labor pains. Even though watching all the birth videos makes it look really painful (all the soon-to-be moms cringed when we watched the babies being born), we are going to do our best to have a natural childbirth without any interventions. Of course, your mama here is kind of a wimp when it comes to pain, so we'll see what happens. :)
We have been busy lately, getting your nursery started and finishing our baby registry. Your cousin Katie, aunt Cathy, and aunt Janie were nice enough to offer to host a baby shower for us when we go to New Mexico for your cousin Andrea's wedding. We are really looking forward to it! Your grandma B wants to put your name on all the favors, but we haven't picked your name yet! We'll have to figure that out soon, I guess!
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