Your daddy and I got back from our honeymoon a week and a half ago (I know, we're so lazy in updating your blog!), and we had SUCH a good time! We started out in Santorini, which was absolutely, stunningly beautiful- the blue water, white-walled architecture, and relaxing atmosphere were exactly what we needed! On Crete and in Athens, even though we both picked up a nasty cold while we were there, we did a lot of exploring and visited a number of ancient sites, which was fascinating! Your daddy and I said that we would be sure to bring you there someday with us because even we can't wait to go back again!
In the last few weeks, you have grown leaps and bounds! You are now almost TWO POUNDS and are about 14 inches long from head to toe. You can now hear things that are happening in the world, like when your daddy talks to you every day and tells you how much he loves you and can't wait to meet you. You're really working out your lungs now too, by practicing breathing movements all the time. In fact, you're replacing all the amniotic fluid in my uterus about once every hour!
What's most exciting (to me, anyway) is that now you can open your eyelids and check out your surroundings! Plus, because you're getting so much bigger and are accumulating more muscle and fat, your kicks are REALLY strong! Not only can you see my tummy jump when you give a swift kick, but sometimes your kicks stop me right in my tracks. Ow! I can't believe that we're already at the point where we're at the end of the second trimester. Woah. Right now, you look like this:

(image courtesy of
At this point in the pregnancy, now that my belly is starting to grow much faster, it's getting more difficult for me to move around. I'm even starting to get that pregnancy "waddle" when I walk- yikes! Sleeping is getting uncomfortable too, because I now have a hormone in my system called "relaxin" that causes my joints to loosen up. This means that when I sleep on one side, my hips and legs start to really hurt, so I toss and turn a lot from my right side to my left side. This seems to bother you too, because every time I change positions, you start to kick me as if you're saying "hey, I'm tryin' to sleep in here!".
You're probably noticing too that I am only eating tiny little meals a lot of times during the day, because you are growing so fast that my stomach is all scrunched up and can't handle much food at one time. If I eat too much, I get REALLY bad heartburn and acid reflux, and let me tell ya, there aren't enough Tums in the world to help out with that!
This past week, your daddy and I started getting things for your nursery! We decided to paint the room a light green and white (we'll accent it with green and pink accessories), and went out and bought the paint. Your daddy has already started to paint the walls, and we're also looking for furniture that we like. Of course, your Nina B has already sent us some things for your nursery, so in the next few weeks we will get it all finished and decorated. We can't wait!
Love, Mama
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