This week, you've grown from a banana to a carrot (in length, that is)! It's kind of funny to compare you to fruits and vegetables, even though your daddy keeps telling me that we're having a BABY, not a FRUIT SALAD. Your daddy is a funny guy, and also a little bit sarcastic (kind of like your mama too, actually). You'll discover this soon enough :).
You have been kicking up a STORM this week, and we are now starting to feel you kicking from the outside of my belly. You seem to pick the most interesting times to kick and punch my insides, usually at around 5:00am, 9:00am, 4:00pm, and 11:00pm. I'm told that your active periods in my tummy will coincide with when you'll most likely be awake and active after you're born- pretty interesting, huh? Most of the time, though, you're just sleeping and growing in there.
Yesterday, your daddy and I went to the Skagit Valley tulip festival with your aunt Marie, uncle David, and cousin Mary. We took a lot of funny pictures in the tulip fields, and we couldn't stop talking about how cute it will be when we will be able to take you with us next year! Your aunt Marie kept taking pictures of my belly so that she can send them to your grandma in New Mexico, because now I'm REALLY looking like I'm pregnant. Because it's been almost a month (I know, we're so bad!) since we last posted a belly picture to illustrate the very pregnant-looking mama you've got here, we took another picture tonight for all the people who keep asking for them:

We promise we'll post more regular belly pictures in the coming weeks, especially because you are really going to start growing a LOT from here on out!
Love, Mama
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