Your daddy and I FINALLY got around to scanning your ultrasound pictures and taking a few pictures of our own. I know your mama and daddy's friends and family have been waiting with baited breath to see these, so without further ado, the photos (you can click on the photos to see them bigger):
First ever ultrasound photo (you were only 6 weeks old!):

Your backside at 8 weeks (you were already camera shy and wouldn't turn around). Look how much bigger you were in just 2 weeks!:

Your 12 week ultrasound (you're already starting to look like a baby!):

This is what your mama looks like right now, at 17 weeks (don't laugh at the fat, baby, mama's been eating really well for you! And by the way, that big ole poochy belly isn't part of the fat- that's all you in there!):

Here is the first thing your mama and daddy got that was baby-related. It was a present from your Aunt Marie and Uncle David! We laughed so hard when we opened this, and can't wait to start wearing it when the weather gets warmer :). :

And last but not least, here's the first gift that we got for you specifically. These are booties that were hand knit for you by your very talented cousin Katie. She was very smart to knit them in green, since we don't know yet if you're a girl or a boy. Your mama cried when she opened the package, because it was such a touching and special gift. We can't wait for you to wear these! :

I'm sure someday you'll look at these pictures and think that your mama and daddy are total dorks for posting all of these, and you know, you're right. :)
Mama and Daddy