Today you are 3 months old. I can hardly believe it- where did the time go? You are getting so big already, and while you are still so incredibly cute (so much so that I just want to munch on your little cheeks), I admit that I miss how itty bitty your fingers and toes were when you were first born.
It seems that every day you acquire a new skill, and your daddy and I can hardly keep up with you! You are now able to hold your head up without assistance, you can sit up in a chair all by yourself, and you are getting better at pushing yourself up using your arms. When we feed you a bottle, you try to hold it in your hands too, and you are beginning to understand that when you touch or grab your toys, they actually move. You are eating a lot more these days, so your adorable cheeks are getting rounder, and I now have to use two arms to carry you because you're getting so heavy. You are starting to bend your legs while you're on your tummy as if you want to crawl, and best of all- you are trying to talk to us all the time! I took a video of you the other day when you were talking to me:
This month, you have also been a much happier baby. In fact, you are now starting to giggle and laugh out loud, which is the most amazing sound in the whole world to me. The first two months of your life, though, we were still trying to find out why you were so colicky, because you were crying almost all the time. We think you are allergic to something in my breastmilk, because as soon as we started you on hypoallergenic formula (the super expensive kind... *groan*... apparently you already have your mother's penchant for expensive food), your tummy quieted down and you didn't cry as much. This was a great development, not only because you are now getting more sleep at night (and so are your daddy and I! Woohoo!), but because you have more attention to direct to exploring the world around you.
You've now been in daycare for about a month, and you are doing really well! All your teachers adore you, and you even have a best friend there whose name is Oliver. Being around other babies has made you more communicative, I think, because every time I go pick you up, you are babbling away and watching all the other babies with your wide, curious eyes.
Last week, we went to Thanksgiving dinner at your auntie Lynn's house, and all I could think about that day was how much I have to be thankful for. I am thankful that I have a good job, especially in the current economy (this year, a lot of people lost their jobs and their homes, so we are very lucky in this regard). I am thankful that I have your daddy around, because he is the most incredible husband and daddy and I love him SO much. I am I am thankful that you have now met all of your grandparents, especially because your grandma M and your grandpa B are both really sick right now. I am thankful that you will soon get to meet all of your cousins and aunts and uncles in New Mexico.
But mostly, little one, I'm thankful for YOU.