Alot has happenned in the last few weeks! We went to your cousin Andrea's wedding in New Mexico earlier this month, and had such a good time with everyone. Andrea looked absolutely beautiful on her wedding day, and she and her new husband Johnno look so happy together! Many of your aunts, uncles, and cousins hadn't seen me pregnant, so you got lots and lots of belly rubs. Your daddy and I also got to meet your brand new cousin Amelia when we were there, and she is absolutely adorable! You will meet her during Christmas vacation when you, your daddy, and I travel to New Mexico for the holidays.
We also had our baby shower while we were there! All of your cousins, your aunts and uncles, and some of our friends came to celebrate with us, and it was so much fun! You have so many new things for your nursery now, and so many new clothes- everyone was so generous, and we are now all set with all the supplies we need for your arrival! Your aunt Marie had your daddy and I play a game where we had our backs to each other so we couldn't see how each other answered, and then she asked us a bunch of questions about which of us will be more responsible for things like waking up in the middle of the night to feed you, who will teach you your first curse word, who will be more strict with you, who will spoil you the most, etc. It was really funny to see how many times your daddy and I agreed and disagreed with each other.
Last week, I flew to Texas for some work training (you are one well-travelled little girl already!). While I was there, I was able to visit with alot of my friends from the hospial where I used to work. They surprised me with some baby gifts for you, so it was like an impromptu, unexpected baby shower! It was so thoughtful of everyone to come and bring such adorable things for you. Your daddy and I will definitely have to go back to Texas after you are born so that you can meet everyone who took such good care of your mama when she was pregnant with you :).
I am now 33 weeks pregnant, which means that you are getting really, really big! All of your organs are fully formed, you can feel, hear, and see, and you are about 16 inches long and weigh about 4 1/2 pounds already! From this point forward, you will gain a half pound each week until you are born in JUST 7 WEEKS! Your daddy and I can't believe that in less than two months, we will have you here at home with us! We are busy finishing your nursery, so that everything will be ready for you when you come home for the first time.
Our doctor says that everything is looking great- your heartbeat is really strong, and you are measuring right on target. I feel pretty good for being at this stage, having only gained 21 pounds so far. In the past couple of weeks, I have started to have some shooting pain from my lower back into my left hip, which makes walking a little more difficult these days, but other than that and some occasional heartburn, I have no complaints :). My belly seems to be growing so much each week- this is what I look like at this point:

Can you believe how much bigger my belly is since the last time we took a picture?
Next weekend, we will take our last trip before you are born. Your cousin Melanie is getting married in New Mexico, and luckily, I am still able to fly on a plane. It is so weird to think that this is the last time I will see most of my family without a baby in my arms... the next time we see everyone, you will be about 3 months old! Wow.